It lies at the north o
It lies in the center of Sinai, and the Pilgrims usually took it on their way to
El Arish
It is the capital of North Sinai Governorate, and is situated at
EI Arish is far off the beaten track in
The Second city of the governorate 50 km from Arish and 369 km from Cairo, It is the only eastern outlet of the Egyptian international boundaries or the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Twenty-seven miles ‘n El Arish is the border town of Rafah Notable is the changing geography, where rainfall begins to be remarkably heavier and so vegetation begins to be far lusher, There are several Bedouin markets about, and apparently local leaders are attempting to introduce the area to tourism The town marks the Egyptian border with the Gaza Strip.
It has witnessed some events of the story of Cleopatra. It has some historical monuments, but most of the city had drowned in mud and the efforts are done to save it
AL Sheikh Zueid
AI-Sheikh Zuweid located between Al-Arish and Rafah on the Mediterranean coast, it consists of chalets and a camping site.
Rumana located on the Mediterranean coast, it is characterized by its tranquility and scenery
Nakhil city
Nakhil city built by Sultan El Ghouri in 1516 AD to safeguard the pilgrim Route
Bir Al Adb
Bir Al Adb An important city located halfway between Qantara East and Al Arish
Objective: Protecting the migratory birds Management: Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency
Flora: 17 species have been recorded on foreshore and islands mainly:
Halocnemon, Strobilaceum, Arthrocnemon glaucoma, Juncos subulatus, Zygophyllom album, Nitraria retusa, Stipagrostis scoparia: and Ruppia: maritime.
(5620), little bittern Lxobrychus minutes: (2564), night hems Nycticorax nyticorox: (5487), garganyAnas querquedula: (221616), avocet Recurvirostra avosetta: (6828), little slint Calidris minute: (15503), little tern Sterna albifrons: (12433), white winged black tern Chlldonias leucopterus: (18436), 24 species of predatory birds have been recorded in spring time (more than 130000) mainly black kite Milvus migrans, griffon vultore Gyps fulvus, short toed eagle Citraetus gallicus, buzzard Buteo, long legged buzzard Buteo rufinus, steppe eagle Aquila mipalensis, bouted eagle Hieaaetus pennatus, golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos, kestrel Falcotinnumclus.
Ain Um Ahmed
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