Gaza Freedom Marcher Missing in Egypt.
The Gaza Freedom March, was a delegation of almost 1400 people
from 43 countries around the world. Shannon is one of us. She traveled
with us to Egypt, then with a smaller group on to Israel, to promote a
message of peace. It is now our turn to do the same for her. Please
contact anyone in the media, especially our new friends in the Egyptian
media, who may be able to help her.
"Abducted/Missing in Egypt! GFMer Shannon Hughes has not been seen or
heard from in 3 days, with suspicious bank withdrawals tracing her from
Taba, Israel to Dahab, Egypt. They believe she is still in Dahab.
Please pass this along - as of yesterday the situation was declared
'dire' by US officials."
I have urgent news to report back to everyone... unfortunately its not good news.
Today I spoke with Kristen Coughlin Carr, the aunt of one of our dear
GFMers, Shannon Hughes (who was staying at Select Hotel). She informed
me that Shannon is missing in Egypt. It has been reported to the US
embassy, and they have declared her 'missing or abducted' and described
the situation as 'dire'. Here's the details she shared with me:
Shannon was last in Jerusalem. She was traveling with a friend. Her
friend returned home to the US. Shannon had planned on being on a
flight from Cairo to NY today, Friday January 22, 2010. She did not get
on that flight.
Earlier this week, Shannon called home. She told her mother "I need
money, I can't talk". Her family sent her $200 US. That was in Taba,
Egypt. She had planned on taking a bus from Taba back to Cairo to fly
home. The next thing her family heard from her were a series of weird
emails in which she said she said she was taking a cab to Dahab.
Shannon began withdrawing money from her bank account in small
increments in Taba, and the bank has her taking the last of the money
from her account in Dahab.
Her family has contacted the US embassy in Egypt. The US embassy has
declared Shannon missing or abducted after seeing the emails she sent.
They were advised not to deposit any more money in her bank account,
and hope that she will soon call home for more. They have not heard
from her in 3 days.
Kristen Coughlin Carr, her aunt has asked that anyone who is still in
Egypt, or who might know anyone still in Egypt contact her via
Facebook, by adding her as a friend. They are hoping that
facebook/twitter will greatly increase the chances of finding her. She
can be contacted directly through email kristencar@gmail.com. I have
attached a recent photo Kristen shared of Shannon.
Please spread the word.
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